Payrun Shortcuts

Using keyboard shortcuts will help you to quickly and easily navigate around the payrun. With a little practice, shortcuts can be far more efficient than a mouse in the process of payrun entry. The steps below describe a typical payrun, navigating mostly via the keyboard. You can also customise the following system preferences:

Employee number padded If this option is ticked, when using the F8 shortcut you need to enter only the significant portion of the employee number to find the employee. For example, with an employee number 000522, you would only need to enter 522.
Payrun starting node This node is the default screen which will appear when you load an employee into the payrun using either the mouse or the F8 shortcut.
  1. Compile a list of employee numbers for the employees to be paid.
  2. In your payrun, proceed to the employee pool.
  3. From any point in the payrun entry screen, press F8 to move to the Employee Selector.
  4. Type in the number of the first employee to pay, then press Enter. The selected employee will be added into the payrun, their details will be loaded into the left hand pane, and the Payrun starting node will be selected.
  5. To select a different node on the left, use the shortcuts indicated in brackets. For example, to switch to the (P)ay items screen, press Alt+P.
  6. You now have several options, depending on what you want to do:
  • To select a pay item on the first line begin typing the code, e.g. to select P01 Ordinary time, begin typing P01. If you don't know the code, press Ctrl+W, then use your arrows to scroll through the list. Press the Tab key when the required pay item is displayed.
  • Use the down arrow or press Ctrl+N to start a new line on the pay items screen. In the blank line, press ctrl+w or begin typing the required code, e.g. to add the pay item P02 Overtime, type P02. Press the Tab key when the required pay item is displayed.
  • Use the Tab key to move to the right on the selected line, and begin typing at the required field, e.g. to enter 38 hours, tab to the hrs/unit field and begin typing 38. Press the Tab key or down arrow when ready.
  • To move to a different screen, use the shortcuts indicated in brackets on the left. For example, to switch to the ded(u)ctions screen, press Alt+U.
  • To select the employee's name on the left (just below the employee's to pay node), press Alt+V. The right hand pane displays View employee totals.
  • To move to one of the other tabs, press F6, then use the left and right arrows to move between the tabs. For example to preview a payslip, press F6, then arrow right twice.